Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend update

The sun is rising on yet another week, and it seems like I've been here forever; yet as I look back, I can still count my sabbaths here on one hand.

I'm so blessed to be able to serve here in Kenya. The weather daily reminds me of perfect camping weather; I wake up to the cool morning air, which blossoms into a warm and inviting afternoon.

This sabbath was absolutely wonderful! My team is on this weekend, so it was my turn to teach the children's sabbath school. While I ran out of things to do before we should have finished, coloring pages came to the rescue and everything ended well.

After church, a pizza lunch, and a Skype date, the real adventures began! Tanzi, Melissa, and I went for a walk outside the gate, and we definitely attracted plenty of attention. Turns out three white girls is not something people see everyday. We had plenty of kisses thrown our way, as well as a couple of guys taking pictures with their cell phones. The funny thing is, I feel safer here in Africa than I do in certain places in the states.

My saturday ended with Junk Night, a class-against-class event where I won my freshman a point! They didn't end up doing so well, but we still had a blast. Afterwards I was sure that I wouldn't be able to talk the next day, and that my hearing would be permanently damaged, but the event was totally worth it!

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