Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wednesday = Adventure Day!

Jacqui and I recently had our town day switched from the original tuesday afternoons, to the new and improved wednesday afternoons. Since it's just Jacqui and me on this new day, Derek and Yani both came to get us both cleared for driving, as well as do a little bit of shopping of their own.

What was just supposed to be a normal town day, immediately started out on an adventurous note! Jacqui took the first driving shift and we started heading out towards Galleria. Before we had gotten too far, however, we were stopped in a line of traffic. Cars started turning around in front of us, but we decided to see how bad the backup really was. When we got to the top of the hill, all of the sudden I saw a group of people running towards us. It was just like a scene out of a movie. While we were frantically trying to turn around, Derek asked someone out the window what was going on. "Children are throwing stones!" was the answer we got, and immediately, my mind flashed to pictures of little five year olds throwing pebbles at passing cars. Obviously, this was not what was going on, because as soon as he got the news, Derek told us to turn the van around and get out of there. Turns out, "children trowing stones" really translates to "College students are starting a riot and throwing boulders at everyone in sight!"Jacqui, with her masterful skills, got us turned around and onto a backroad quick enough to keep us out of danger, and after an hour and twenty minutes, we finally got to the markets.

It was really unfortunate that our first stop was the Karen market, because despite having a pretty good relationship with the sellers there, I still got majorly ripped off. I wasn't really prepared to bargain, and I was guilted into a couple of purchases which I shouldn't have been. After the Karen market, we headed towards another market where you can get anything you could ever want, from Jerseys to crocks and beyond. I didn't get much (only a few necklaces at a deal that made me feel slightly better about my previous purchases) but Jacqui got quite a few things at great prices!

After the market, we stopped by Junction and ate wonderful Indian food for dinner! After grocery shopping and gathering art supplies, it was my turn to drive us all home. I definitely feel more comfortable driving here now. It seems completely natural to be on the left side of the road most of the time. The main challenge driving back was seeing the road, and then the crazy amount of traffic. I was able to "establish myself" but it's hard to keep on the road and out of the other cars way when you have crazy headlights in your eyes, and no line on the road to guide by.

We got back to campus around 9pm, but the outing was well worth it! I'm really looking forward to Jacqui and my new wednesday "dates" and the mini-adventures they will bring!

Side note: Sorry for the lack of pictures! I really haven't taken my camera anywhere in the past two weeks... fail. I need to work on that.

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