Saturday, September 22, 2012

Faculty Family - Round 2

The girls writing down the lyrics to "Barakas"
Faculty family is really fun, and very chill
We had our second faculty family last weekend. All the SM's did was provide the ice cream, the students are the ones that made the night memorable!

Our newest member of the family, Archie, is a musical genius! He can use his hands as a trumpet, and actually played us a really great song!

The girls from the dorm tried to teach us "barakas" which is a super exciting Swahili song a few of us heard in the dorm a couple of weeks ago. It has clapping, dancing, and lots of cool motions.

Even though opening our home and staying up late can be stressful for me, these kids make it 100% worth it! It's times like these, when we're just hanging out, that we really get to know one another. No school, no assignments, no agenda, just family.

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