Tuesday, September 11, 2012

One of those days...

Today was the first tuesday since I arrived that I haven't pilled into the big blue van with all of the other SMs and rushed off on our weekly town day. At lunch, it was odd to hear everyone else planning and scheduling when and where to meet when I knew that I wouldn't be joining them. For various reasons, Jacqui and my town day was moved to Wednesday, while the rest of the SMs stayed on the normal tuesday schedule. I don't really mind that much. Jacqui's one cool cat, and awesome to hang out with (she's now my official tuesday buddy and ruler of all things office skills), but it still feels weird having everyone go on adventures without the two of us.

Since I wasn't going to town, I had grand plans for all I would accomplish today. Unfortunately, it's already past 9pm and I still don't have my powerpoint finished for tomorrow, let alone a lab planned out for thursday. You could say I'm a little behind. The piles and piles of ungraded (and un-gradable) papers and tests are starting to mount, and I'm at a loss of what to do with some of them. While I do have workers to help me, it's hard to pass off to them a test that almost every freshman failed...

There is hope though. I still have tomorrow morning (minus the time I have to teach recorder) and I still have plenty of time in the library this week, but I'm definitely pushing it!

I love my job teaching, and I love my freshmen. I wouldn't trade them for any class! (with the possible exception of the seniors every once in a while...) I really felt like I'm starting to earn my students respect, which is a great feeling. Now if I could only get my act together for more than one day at a time!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Em, I love it that we posted a similar topic blog post on the same day! So funny! Hang in there! You're doing fantastic! Hugs!
