Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Sunday Outing

Weekends off are nice. No disputing it. But this particular weekend off was extra nice! I'm pretty sure I'll never be hungry again (at least for a few days). We started out at the Raymond's saturday night with homemade pizza and a movie. I ate WAY to much pizza, and although I've seen and loved the movie before, The Gods Must Be Crazy is even better here in Kenya than it was in the States!

On sunday morning, we all pilled into the R's borrowed car, and Polly and Kurt took us to a fabulous Brazilian restaurant in Nairobi. Derek and Keith were obviously excited by the promise of eating copious amounts of flesh, but I was worried that I would end up with only a plate of lettuce and beans. I shouldn't have been so worried. The food was FABULOUS! It actually turned into the best meal I've had so far. All of us - even the vegetarians, came out of there absolutely stuffed!

Excellent Brazilian restaurant! I don't eat meat (their obvious speciality) and yet it was still 100% worth the high price tag!

After leaving Polly and Kurk at the restaurant, the team A SMs and Derek headed out towards the Masai Ostrich farm. The plan was to ride the ostriches, however, after eating so much (and Keith feeling very sorry for his ostrich) it was probably a good thing that we didn't get to ride. Turns out, there was a Turkish reality TV show being filmed at the resort. From what I understand, the show seems to be part Survivor, and part The Amazing Race. It's called Trophy Turk, a show where a group of people are traveling all over Kenya on some sort of adventure/quest. What they were doing with caged ostriches, I really don't know. The video we found promoting the show makes Kenya look SUPER intense! I don't know what parts of Kenya they're going to, but I'm pretty sure they're not going to find that many predators unless they're looking SUPER hard! Even the Masai people's dances looked dangerous when they put epic music behind it. Anyway. What we saw the contestants doing on day 16 of their quest was not nearly as epic. They were all camped out under a tree singing and talking together, which was slightly disappointing. The camera crew seemed to be enjoying the resort though. Unfortunately, an ostrich had pulled a hamstring or something, because the filming meant we couldn't ride that day. 

Because we didn't get to ride, I think that actually made us more observant on the way home. This was my favorite part of the day by far! (dad, and/or other concerned family members can stop reading here) Someone spotted some zebras off in the field, and so we took the opportunity to drive right out to them. Once we were in the field, with cameras in hand, we climbed up onto the roof for better viewing. It was absolutely incredible up there! It was a beyond perfect day full of big puffy clouds and a wonderful breeze. It was so magnificent, that most of us stayed up there for quite awhile! We only came down once we got to a main road. It's amazing what kind of attention you can attract as a muzungu hood ornament!     


  1. Hey Emily! I am sure you know that !Xi (the little bushman) became an SDA after the filming of "The Gods...". He died just a few years ago. You probably should watch "Out of Africa" while you are there, too, since it happened irght there (Karen is named after the subject). Isn't Kenya wonderful! I can't wait for your Dad to see a lilac breasted roller!

  2. Actually, the boys dean, Richard, sat us SMs down and we watched "Out of Africa" just a few weeks ago! I really liked it, but it was late and I was really tired. I'll need to watch it again sometime before I leave. We went to Crescent Island where some of it was filmed! :)
    That's so cool about the name Karen! We got there a lot for souvenir shopping and i never knew that! Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. What fun to get to peek into your adventures! Glad you are having a good experience. The God's Must Be Crazy is a favorite of mine and as close as I've gotten to Africa so far. Will enjoy keeping up with you! Erin
