Friday, August 10, 2012


In less than 54 hours, I will be on a plane... This fact, while it appears to be rather simple, has taken my mind months to wrap itself around. Denial is officially over, and my nerves are working overtime. 

The vast majority of my stuff is stowed away in suitcases (2), and goodbyes are flying at me faster than I can even compute. I'm so grateful for the friends who have made the time to help me process everything!

After driving down to Atlanta with my family, I'll hop on a plane to Amsterdam where all four of the SMs Southern will meet up. After a short layover, (one not long enough to get outside the airport, :( very disappointing) we will all four fly to Nairobi together. School starts less than a week after we arrive, so I'll have to hit the ground running! 

Late nights with friends are the best nights

Somehow, ALL my clothes have managed to fit in one suitcase! Craziness! 

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