Monday, August 27, 2012

Kissing Giraffes

This sunday, both teams A and B were on, but we still all got to go on another unexpected adventure! Mr R offered to take us all to the Giraffe Center in the afternoon. After a little bit of shuffling responsibilities, we (all 12 of us) pilled into their vehicle and drove down the road. The giraffe center costs money, but people have figured out that if you go around 5pm, the giraffes have to cross the road, and you don't have to pay to feed them! It was a memorable experience to be sure! 

Giraffe food. AKA Katie's "carrots"

This is Kelly. She knows how to kiss.

Jacqui's friend came along

They should totally make the cover of their school's newspaper!

Katie was just a little excited...

This is Hellen. I'm pretty much the most blessed SM alive!

Giraffe Kisses

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