Thursday, August 16, 2012

My first few days at Maxwell

After my little adventure through Amsterdam and hours of flight, I finally got to Maxwell around 9am on Tuesday morning. At that point, I had no idea what day it was, or even what time my body should think it was. I had just slept the past “two nights” on a plane, and my body was very confused. Thankfully, this confusion seemed to work in my favor. I had stayed up all day in Amsterdam, so I had begun to become adjusted. Plus I stayed up all day once I arrived.

Tuesday was one of the longest days ever!  I arrived just in time for a pseudo shower and a morning meeting. Since the cafeteria is not open yet, the staff have been feeding us amazing food, and so all the SMs (8 of us in total) went over to Pollys house for lunch. After lunch, a few of us went on a town trip to “The Junction,” which is a large mall. The ride over there was the only time I felt like completely crashing that day. I think I even fell asleep a few times in the van, which is impressive seeing as how ridding in Kenya makes four-wheeling look smooth. The town trip was a success; I got soy milk and toilet paper along with a few other necessities. The mall is really nice. It even has FroYo and an apple store! I have a feeling that any time I go back, I’ll be spending most of my time/money at the Nakumatt (Wal-Mart equivalent) or the book/stationary store. By that night, I was sure I had been at Maxwell for more than just one day! Even now as I’m typing this, (it’s Wednesday night, but I’ll have to post later due to internet difficulties) I feel like I’ve been here for much longer than the two mere days it’s really been.

Already, I've found that the smallest things are making the biggest difference. My job on Wednesday was to pack up the old girls SM apartment that is connected to the girls dorm. Because there's so many  female students this year (more than the 50 they have rooms for) the SM apartment is being converted into more housing for the students. While we were packing everything up, Macy and I found tons of treasures! The previous SMs had left us TONS of wonderful things like notepads, string, clothes hangers, teaching supplies, and more! It really did feel like Christmas! Thanks to our finds, I think everyone in the house now has a rug in their room, and another one in the bathroom. It's amazing how excited we can get over simple things, even after two days! 

1 comment:

  1. Aren't the simple things the best?! I swear, getting packages is MORE exciting than Christmas. :) Well, it was for me. So glad you're adjusting, Em!
