Friday, August 24, 2012

Holding a baby gazelle

It never ceases to amaze me how God can COMPLETELY turn my day around!

That's right!!! I just held a baby gazelle! I had 6 witnesses, but not one camera. The sad thing is my camera was in the library in my backpack the whole time. It was getting dark anyway, so any pictures I would have taken wouldn't have been as amazing as the experience was.

Today didn't start out on the right foot. The only thing for breakfast was a heaping pile of potatoes and soy meat (not my favorite) so I ate sparingly, and although I took a baby banana back to the house to eat, I never actually got around to eating it. By the time I finished teaching my first Biology class, I was famished! (In Tanzi's words, we starved our way through 7th period...). Lunch was great, but short as always. When two students came into the library in the afternoon for math help, that was, hands down, the low point of my day. You have to understand that tutoring is something I absolutely love to do, but for some reason, I couldn't seem to explain anything effectively. Now, to be fair, it has been a few years since I've taken basic math courses, but still, I should be able to figure this stuff out! I left the library very discouraged. It wasn't until after dinner that things really turned around. That's when I got to hold a baby gazelle!

I was walking to the house after dinner, when I saw the gazelles walking towards the football field (This is really common). What wasn't so common about it was the noise coming from the field. I looked and it looked like a gazelle had its horns stuck in the net. I didn't know what to do, so I ran back to where a group of staff were standing and told them. Gershom knew about it and immediately called Derek. It took all four of us to hold her down and get her untangled. She had been struggling for over half an hour, so she was completely hanging helpless in the net. Her herd, and especially her mom, stayed close by through the whole process.

I'm so incredibly thankful that I saw the gazelle when I did and was able to help free her. Experiences like that (thankfully) don't come around very often, and I'm grateful that I was able to be there.

The gazelles grazing near the football net

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