Friday, August 24, 2012

Little accomplishments

I feel pretty proud of myself. I made salsa from scratch using the few things I picked up last tuesday (the SM town day) outside of Nakumatt. The salsa goes great with my better-than-doritos-chips! It turned out very chunky due to the difficulties I had using our knifes, but Tanzi seemed to like it, and I'm partial to chunky salsa anyway. It seems like such a little thing, making my own salsa, but it's really satisfying to pick out my produce, pay for it in my own schillings, an then come back to the house and put everything together.

In other domestic news, I actually finished all my wash this morning! That's right! The clothes were in and out of the wash, and on and off the line all in less than 6 hours! This is mostly because I used the dean's house washer instead of the tiny one in my own house. The deans washer didn't take as long (at our house, it's 2 hours, plus however long it takes the washer to decide to release your clothes), and then I also had time before lunch to come and put everything out on the line. The dry air may not be as good for my skin, but it's great for drying laundry!

On a less homey note, Loti, our demon cat, is no longer omnipresent. This is actually an accomplishment, although I'm not sure how proud the four of us should really be about it. At the beginning of the week, Loti started trying to adopt us. He really came from the house next door, but he wanted to be the only cat, so he left and came to us. When he first started coming around, he snuck into the house at least two times, and even climbed up on the kitchen table! None of us wanted him, so we just shooed him away and ignored him. That worked for us, but not for him. He would meow incessantly at every door and window possible until Katie came home one night yelling, "Take that you spiny spawn! I kicked the cat in the trachea!" I think our collective neglect abuse has finally made him take the hint. I don't worry about him too much though. According to Taylor, the assistant girls dean, she saw him living in the attic above the girls dorm. I think he's found a good place to stay.


  1. Wow! Emily, I'm so glad that you're writing these blogs. I want you to know that I'm praying for you guys. So, Taylor is the girls' dean right now? Wow. (I know Taylor from working at camp with her in Indiana.)

  2. Thank you!
    Yep! Our principal is officially serving as the girls dean, but Taylor is definitely handling more than a typical assistant dean would have to.

  3. So fun to read about your Tanzanian life, Em! And I totally understand the excitement of those small accomplishments. So fun! Keep the blogs coming!

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