Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SM exit retreat - lessons learned

I learned so much while I was out in the smokey mountains this past weekend. Here are just a few highlights. 
  • Never try to drive out of Gatlenburg on a Sunday morning. Bad idea. 
  • The Smokey Mountains contain some of God's greatest creations! LOVE that place!
  • "Chicken" tortilla soup with cilantro and avocado is pretty much the greatest thing ever. Cilantro for the win!
  • By far the most popular name for future student missionaries seems to be either Melissa or Alissa. Side note: SMs with those names also tend to be going to places that all start with P (Palau, Peru, Pohnpei... etc.)
  • My fellow SMs are some of the most interesting and uplifting people ever! The group dynamic of the weekend can't be beat. 
  • I actually like praise songs when they're acoustic and sung with passionate voices. 
  • I am truly epically bad at taking pictures. I had my camera the entire weekend and didn't take one photograph... not one...
  • I have a HUGE family of current and former SMs supporting me on my journey! 

1 comment:

  1. We are definitely backing you up as you go out! Thanks for already sharing wonderful news.
