Thursday, April 12, 2012

The phone call

Guess who just got a phone call from Kenya?!? That's right!
After being questioned about my willingness to be an SM and my lack of tattoos, I have officially been accepted to be a science tutor and lab assistant at Maxwell!

When I decided to be an SM, I never dreamed that I would be going as a missionary to Africa. My dreams had always centered around Asia and India specifically. When I applied to the SM program at Southern, the only thing I knew was that I wanted to teach, and that I didn't want to go to the islands... Those two things seemed pretty contradictory at the time since the only positions I knew about where the ones in Micronesia where a lot of SMs are sent. I had dreams of serving in a school in India, surrounded by my favorite food on earth! (I pretty much love all the Indian food I've ever had... hands down the best stuff ever!) Turns out, there really aren't many schools listed with student teaching positions in the area, and God had a different plan.

This is just how sure I was that I would be going to India next year

I first heard about Maxwell in Southerns Student Missions vespers program. (ok, this isn't really accurate. I had heard about the school before from friends who had visited Africa, but honestly, it didn't really register in my brain... Sorry!) At vespers they showed the second of Drew Forsey's documentary films about his year at Maxwell. In the video I saw individuals I remember seeing at school serving as tutors and deans in a country I hadn't even considered.

To be fair, I was hoping to go to Egypt, which is also in Africa, however, I don't know how useful it is to compare Egypt is with the rest of subsaharan Africa... Since when were continents the most useful way of grouping people? I don't know...

So here I am. Ready to embark on an adventure that I never saw coming, hoping to have my view of Africa blown to smithereens, and praying that this will be the best year of my life!


  1. I am SO excited for you, Emily. I think you're going to fall in love with Kenya.

  2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you and this oppertunity!!

  3. Good news! There is lots of good Indian food in Kenya. "Open House" is an amazing Indian restaurant here.
