Sunday, April 1, 2012

Scholarly Farewell

One of the hardest things about going away as an SM next year is the friends I leave behind. Almost everyone in the original Southern Scholars Honors is either traveling next year, or will be gone by the time the travelers return. Due to this sad fact, my dear friend Emil pushed us to have one last game night together. It took several tries (over almost 4 months!) but we finally got a group together for games and hours of solid laughter!

In honor of the occasion, I decided to try making those crafty jello aquariums I found on pintrest. While mine didn't turn out looking quite as good as Martha Stewart's, I was still proud of my artistic experiment. 

Jessie, thankfully, loved my aquariums :)

Once the party got rolling, the evening flew by with Dutch Blitz (Best. Game. Ever!), Apples to Apples, the animal game, and two crazy rounds of good old fashioned Mafia. I don't believe I've laughed that hard in a long time!

The party planner himself!

Co-narrators, and winning Mafia team!

How I feel about Jessie not being in Tennessee when I return. 
:( sadness aboundeth..

The group (minus a few key members)

Next year Thomas will be in Denmark, Cherie Lynn in Austria, Eric in Costa Rica, and I will be in Africa! I can't imagine us going any further apart! I'm so blessed to have these wonderful friends in my life. It's moments like these that I'm not looking forward to leaving behind.
I'll miss you guys! Here's to having a strong finish to a wonderful school year! 

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