Monday, March 25, 2013

Epic Librarian

I currently feel like an EPIC librarian! I've been going through the library shelves in my spare time (I practically live here in the library, I should probably know what we have) and I found some of my favorite books ever! We don't have a lot, but we do have quite a few classics that I loved reading as a kid. I was so incredibly excited about my finds that I started making an annotated bibliography of sorts so I could recommend books at the drop of a hat, just like a legit librarian. I hadn't been writing away at my Word document for long before it paid off. Two of the sophomore girls came into the library during fourth study hall and I was so excited about my list of books that I asked them if they had read any of them. To my horror, they hadn't. I immediately got so animated about the books I love, I think I might have scared them a little bit. After only a few moments of my ramblings, one of the girls asked me which book she should read first. SUCCESS! I ran to the shelves and grabbed both The Sign of the Beaver and The Witch of Blackbird Pond (Both by the absolutely fantastic Elizabeth George Speare). I told them both a little bit more about both books, each girl took one, and within minutes they were both signing their names on the sign-out sheet. As they were leaving, one of them said "this will be my very first book ever!" Regardless of whether she ment it was really going to be the first book she has read in her life, the first book she's reading in english, or just the first book she's checked out from the MAA library, it doesn't matter; she still chose to check out a book, something she never even considered doing before, based only on my recommendation.

This got me thinking; isn't this what I am called to do? When someone exudes excitement and passion, it's almost impossible not to notice. This is how we are called to live as Christians; actively reading the shelves, getting excited about what we're finding, and sharing what we're learning with others. It's when I'm not learning, not searching, not sharing that there are days when I feel like I'm not doing anything worthwhile. It may have been simple, but those two girls gave me a very powerful reminder of why I'm here and why I love what I do.

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