Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mt Kenya

My hair is washed, my legs are shaved, and I have our new washer's happy "I'm done" song humming along in my head. It's so good to be back home after a five day camping trip! I may have backed out of climbing Mt Kenya, but I still had the opportunity to go on the trip.

Here are a few things I learned on Mt Kenya:
  • I don't particularly like Hiking. At all. 
  • Nap time is beyond wonderful
  • Any toy, regardless of how cool it is, can only be expected to provide about one hour of entertainment with a three year old
  • A one year old may seem to be warming up to you, but she can turn on you faster than her mommy can sneak out
  • Small children are terrible at hide and seek
  • You can spend two straight days with a three year old and there is the very strong possibility that she will still not know your name
  • Biblical bedtime stories are magical
I definitely did not have the typical Mt Kenya experience. While everyone else attempted the summit, I got to stay at base camp (10,000 ft) and help take care of two little girls while their daddy was hiking up the mountain. Ask anyone, I'm not the first one you call when you have small children to take care of. Despite my lack of skill in this area, everything worked out, and I even ended up enjoying myself! 

Four "mommy, what's her name again's?" three "I love you's," two kisses, and one snuggly night. Worth it. 

The highest I hiked on Mt Kenya: ~12,000ft

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