Monday, March 11, 2013

Two Weeks Break

Well, thanks to the Kenyan national elections and the Mt Kenya trip, Maxwell Adventist Academy just experience two full weeks of no school. I spent the first part of the break taking care of girls on Mt Kenya, but when I got back I still had over a week of peace and quiet to catch up on my work. There was only one boy in the guys dorm, and seven girls in the girls dorm, for a grand total of eight students to supervise. It's a good thing we spent so much time yelling and arguing over the supervision schedule in staff meetings because sitting outside watching gazelles mate and grass grow was really difficult (sarcasm). In addition to my six hours of supervision, here's a couple things that happened over the break:
  • Watched every single Star Wars film except for #5 (I had seen it this past summer)
  • Graded and entered everything for Freshmen Biology
  • Ate out at Habishas (yummy Ethiopian food!)
  • Planed out Chemistry lab until the next long weekend 
  • Ate at Art Cafe for the first time. Probably my favorite part of the week! 
  • Watched a lot of Big Bang Theory
  • Had fabulous potlucks and cookouts with the staff
  • Had our first staff meeting with the new principal (This was the first staff meeting in 18 years without the V's present. Crazy)
  • Sleep, lesson plan, eat, repeat. 
While the chance to catch up on lesson planning and sleep was very much needed and appreciated, I'm glad to be back at school today. So here I go; here's to new presidents, new principals, new months, new lesson plans, and new beginnings.

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