Wednesday, April 3, 2013


There has been a lot of thinking going on around here recently. It seems like everyone is starting to turn their thoughts towards home, summer plans, and what on earth we're all going to do with our lives next year. With less than three months left in the semester, I'm starting to think myself. What is going home going to be like? How will I perform in school after not studying anything for ten months? Do I even remember enough to be a chemistry major? What will my friend group look like? What will I tell people about my experiences here?

I've been thinking a lot about what I'm going to tell people when I get home. I'm actually dreading the questions, but dying to talk. What was my favorite experience of the year? Where was my favorite place to visit? What moment impacted me most? These are all impossible questions to answer. Not because I didn't have moments that took my breath away, or that I didn't have numerous experiences, but it's impossible to answer because it's impossible to pick favorites, mosts, and bests. How do you pick a favorite moment after living through so many?

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