Monday, December 17, 2012


Stuck, trapped, whatever you want to call it, that's exactly how I've been feeling lately. I think it's the end of the semester that's finally getting to me because recently I've realized just how incredibly confined I am. I don't have my own car here, and while I can walk out to the road and grab a Matatu (public van type transportation), there's only so far I can travel in one of those. Not the mention that I have to find someone to go with me, and with only seven possible candidates, my options are often scarce.

Christmas break is promising to provide just the change of pace I've been craving, and I'm so incredibly excited! While I may be buried underneath a pile of ungraded papers for a few days, the vast majority of my four weeks off will be spent traveling with family and friends. I can't wait to travel around Kenya, from the Masai Mara to coastal Mombasa. I love it here at Maxwell, but after teaching for 4 straight months, I'm definitely looking forward to the chance to getting off campus for more than just a few hours at a time.

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