Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's here.

It's here. Wednesday. The last day of classes, and the beginning of Christmas vacation. Maybe I just have unreasonable expectations for my feelings, but this is not how I expected to feel on December 19. It's like it hasn't hit me yet. I'm still planning on doing a lot of work over the next two days, so I know that my break doesn't really start right away, but still. I should be at least a little more excited, right?

I am excited about all the things that I'm planning on accomplishing over break. Once I have the freshmen's health test graded and entered, I can focus my energies on making lesson plans, power points, and worksheets for next semesters classes. All this planning is exciting, but it is at least partly responsible for my lack of break inspired enthusiasm.

In addition to feeling like school is continuing on into break, I'm having a really hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that my family will be here in Kenya on FRIDAY! It's crazy! I'm so incredibly beyond excited, but at the same time, not completely believing it. I've been planning and waiting for this weekend for so long, it seems impossible that it's already arrived.

While it seems odd to see the kids all packing up and leaving, I know that it's time for a break. Regardless of what this break does or does not hold in store for me, I'm glad it's here. I'm grateful for the change of pace, and I'm looking forward to being able to fill my days to the brim with family and friends.

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