Sunday, December 16, 2012

Midterm Exams

I gave the freshmen a semester test for biology lab last week. On the back of the test, I offered them extra credit for giving me suggestions for what the SMs should do over Christmas break. This is what one student came up with:

  1. Give all the students 100% on their tests
  2. Give presents to (this student)
  3. Go to Masai Mara and smuggle a baby lion to Maxwell
  4. Eat
  5. Throw toilet paper at people
  6. Write Merry Christmas on Facebook and whoever liked or commented go to their wall and say "Dog cat human" on their friends wall
  7. Drive a car out to the town and throw money not coins
I'm going to miss my students.

This is just a taste of what the same student is dreaming up for his own break! (Notice the mosquito killing)

1 comment:

  1. #8. Visit Eric in Bolivia!! Haha. Love their ideas. Especially the mosquito termination. Tell them they can do plenty of that over here too!
