Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Best Package in the History of Ever

Sabbath was a GOOD day! I knew that a package was being dropped off for me that day, but in my head, I was picturing a little medium-ish sized flat rate box limited to the few small things that could possibly fit inside. Boy, was I wrong! (again!) 

When Derek, and another man I didn't know, approached me in the lunch line, I knew it was about my package. When he opened up his car and pulled out something that was closer in resemblance to an apple crate than a shoebox, I was floored! I couldn't stop smiling, all the way back to the lunch line. Everyone was super impressed that I didn't rip into it right away, but I knew I couldn't open it. Not yet anyway. Such a beautiful package from home contained so much promise. All through lunch, I couldn't bear the thought of reducing the possibilities that the box could contain to the reality of what was actually there. I wanted to savor my one and only package from home for as long as possible!

After everyone had finished eating, I took my package back to the house to unwrap it. Tanzi, Katie, and Macy were all there to watch the magic unfold. Turns out, what was in the package was beyond anything and everything I had imagined! From fig newtons, a brand new sleeping bag (that's right! no more blanket camping for this girl!), down to pens and ziplock bags, absolutely everything in the package was perfect! As Tanzi said, "I think that's the best package I've ever seen in my life!"

Some of my favorite things inside the box were letters from my Sabbath school class. It's amazing how little slips of paper can make such a huge difference!

Tanzi took my camera and caught a few of my faces/reactions in both pictures and a video. 


I definitely cried.

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