Saturday, November 3, 2012


People are what make life great. And these people make life the greatest.

Last night was wonderful. All the SMs (minus Taylor who had to stay in the girls dorm) took over the library for boys club banquet prep. Jacqui has been hard at work for weeks now on the banquet sign, and so we all brought our computers and started painting. We got a lot done, but the painting was only part of what made last night so memorable. The SMs from Southern stayed up to Skype the student missions expo. Seeing familiar faces, both from previous SMs and classmates, made me smile. In between painting and jamming out to music, I got to Skype my parents as well as Julia (who's in POLAND!). 

The SMs here at Maxwell are the best in the world! I can't think of anyone else on earth I'd rather prep with for a silly boys club banquet (sports themed of course...). These guys can make absolutely anything ten times more exciting!
We make the most epic faces. All the time!
He does too...

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