Saturday, May 12, 2012

Asheville Visit

Well my summer has started out fairly slow. After everyone a lot of Southern students left, things definitely quieted down around town. Due to increasing boredom and a decreasing desire to start on my research paper, I decided to join my mom on a short trip to Asheville, NC.

The trip definitely started out on an interesting foot! I got an allergy shot on the way out of town, and about an hour later we stopped to get some Benadryl because I was having a reaction. Researching Kenya and Benadryl don't mix...

The view from The Sunset Terrace

We arrived safely in Asheville mostly because I wasn't driving! We spent that night with close friends at the Sunset Terrace at the Grove Park Inn. The majority of the conversation was about Kenya, as our friends had recently returned from two mission trips to the Maasai Mara. 

Menu options

The baked brie was amazing!

me and my mom
After enjoying our old hometown, we went to grandmas to plant some flowers and fix up her place for mothers day. We spent our time picking out flowers, planting them, picking up more flowers, and messing up the beets grammy just planted! Oh well. Sorry, but I forgot to get pictures of our finished project... (this is a turning into a pretty serious habit!) 

So now I'm back in Tennessee, getting ready to tackle that research paper this coming week (sans Benadryl!). Here's to quick trips, mothers day, and soaking up family and friends while they're still near by!

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