Friday, May 25, 2012

Guyanese Zoo Outing

This week, a good number of us got to step off the conference compound and take an impromptu trip to the Guyana Zoo! Pretty much any outing is exciting after staring at a computer screen all day, but the zoo was an especially wonderful diversion. The Zoo is actually really close to the conference office, so we were able to walk over and get back in about an hour and a half. 

My super awesome roomie has connections! 
It was actually my amazing roommate who organized the trip and got a Guyanese guide to take us out. What started out as just a few of us turned into a major outing with almost everyone walking with us!

We were SUPER excited to be going off campus!

The zoo has lots of paintings outside on the wall

Didn't see all of the animals on the wall inside

Our amazing Guyanese guide!
We found a super cool fountain

The birds at the zoo were especially fabulous! 

Largest snakes EVER! They even had a live chicken running around in there for dinner

They were HUGE

Harpy Eagle - Favorite bird I saw in the zoo!
The Harpy Eagle is the national bird of Guyana. Our guide told us that these guys can actually pick up people! I don't know, I was skeptical, but I still wouldn't want to meet one in the wild, just to be safe!

I felt really bad for this big guy. Such a tiny cage.

She had fun making new monkey friends :)

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