Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Surprise Birthday Party

Friday was Jacqui's birthday, and the freshmen approached me asking if they could take my class period and turn it into party time and then make up the missed class on tuesday. I agreed, and everyone got down to party planning. On Friday morning, the freshmen were absolutely terrible in Jacqui's class.  Their plan was to be super respectful and quiet (something generally out of the norm for them) but their plan failed due to loud and uncooperative classmates. When I found Jacqui, she was hiding in the staff room surrounded by paper airplanes, and other various gifts the freshmen gave because they were too "poor" to give her anything else. I told her I was giving the freshmen a test next period, and asked her if she would be willing to help supervise. This was a complete lie, but a believable one that would get her into the health room.  

Jacqui unfortunately arrived sooner than expected, and the freshmen did their best to pretend to be getting ready for a test. I of course had nothing to give them, so I somehow managed to unintentionally make Jacqui believe that the printer had swallowed my test and would not print (also a believable scenario). It all worked out in the end, because before too long a cake, popcorn, and ice cream came waltzing into my classroom and the surprise was complete! 

In typical fashion, I didn't get one picture of the festivities, so here are some completely unrelated pictures from our trip to the primate research center on Sabbath! (Sorry, no primates)

Waterfall Climbing at the Primate Center

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