Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I want to do it again.

Ok, I know I sound crazy, but I want to try again. I've learned so much this year about classroom management, how I want to run a class, teaching methods, and expectations. It seems completely unfair that just as I'm starting to get the hang of things, I have to board a plane bound for the States where the likelihood of me teaching again in the next five years is slim to none. Don't get me wrong, I want to come home. I want to be a student again, I want to learn new things, I'm ready to be living on a college campus overflowing with new ideas, but I want to try teaching my own class again. I want to update my syllabus and start out the school year on a better foot. I want to teach the freshmen study skills as well as content knowledge. I want to require my students to take graded notes in Kenyan exercise books. I want to implement what I have learned this year; I want to do so much better.

1 comment:

  1. And you will do better! I've really enjoyed reading your blogs :). Soak up the last bit you have there- prayers for you. -Becka
