Friday, February 15, 2013

A Valentines Miracle

While the rest of the world was probably snuggling up to their sweethearts or wallowing in self-pity, here in Kenya we were celebrating! 

First of all, after nearly seven months of waiting, we finally have a brand new, shiny, working washer In. Our. House! Oh happy day! 

Our brand new working washer!
The kids here at Maxwell really get into Valentines day! I mean seriously get into the holiday! All day long, the girls were running around with lipstick tubes in various unapproved colors, painting their hands with it and plastering everyones faces with it. These "kisses" may not have been real, but some of them turned out pretty realistic! While some of the other SMs were trying to avoid these kisses, I was enjoying myself. These kids are crazy, and despite the lectures I've been giving them recently on manners and appropriate behavior, I really do love them. 

Wherever you found yourself yesterday, I hope you had a fantastic heart day, found many wonderful surprises, and where surrounded by those you love. Happy Valentines Day! 

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