Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Yesterday, one of the other girls headed to Maxwell received her travel literary from the SM office and sent a message out to make sure everyone else was on the same page. Since hearing that itineraries are being set, I have been waiting with much anticipation for the student missions office to email me my very own travel literary, and today, they did!

The group is flying into Amsterdam like I had hoped, but the proposed layover is too short to step out of the airport, which is ironically disappointing. Also, because of conflicting schedules, the group has to leave later than we had originally planed. Once I got the news, I started tucking away my wild Amsterdam dreams, and began registering for delta sky miles.

I have definite mixed emotions. Am I crazy to be disappointed that I'm leaving a few days later? Is it nerves about arriving late? (a general phobia I've had for quite a while)
Regardless of what happens, I am for sure going to be leaving for Kenya in ONE MONTH! That is absolutely crazy! 
And rapidly becoming real.

To-do before I leave: