It's officially 40 days until my estimated departure! Yikes! It really hasn't hit me yet, but it's about to. I just turned in my last fundraising letter today, so I'm
officially done with the money raising part of becoming an SM. Now I just have to wait and get flight plans with the other three SMs from Southern straightened out. That's actually going to be the hard part. Waiting. At least I have summer physics to fill my time... It's really not that bad, but "finals week" (aka a packed two mornings of nonstop testing) is upon me and I have lost the will to study.
I'm going to miss my baby like CRAZY while I'm gone! |
To-do before I leave:
Location approval
Research paper
Ticket - the Missions office will take care of this once they know all 4 of the SMs schedules
Insurance - also through the missions office