I've realized recently that most, if not all, of my posts are about weekends or town days, and I haven't spent much time writing about life at Maxwell itself. This is for several reasons. First, I actually take my camera on town trips and weekends off, and I don't carry it to class. Second, it's relatively easy to write about certain experiences, such as the joy of seeing elephants, but it's so much harder to convey the joy I feel when I get to tell one of my students that he set the curve on his biology test, or the frustration that comes with trying to train a new reader to help grade papers.
In the next few weeks, I hope to change that, at least a little bit.
In the spirit of my fellow SMs,
Tanzi and
Keith, here's a look at my daily schedule:
5:30 - Alarm goes off, and I decide whether or not it's worth it to get up and turn on the hot water heater
6:00 - Actually get up and shower
6:30 - Breakfast in the cafe
6:50 - 7:45 - Go back to the house, finish getting ready, pack my backpack, and head to the library
8:00 - Open the library
8:30 - Staff Worship
9:00 - 11:00 - Planning and grading in the library office
9:50 - 10:20 (Monday/Wednesdays) - Teach recorder to the 2nd-8th graders at the elementary
11:10 - Teach freshman Biology or Health, depending on the day
12:35 - Lunch
1:10 - Open the library for tutoring
2:15 - 3:15 - Chemistry lab (on mondays)
5:30 - Close library
6:15 - Cafe opens for supper
7:50-9:00 - Library open for evening tutoring
9:00-10:00 - Sometimes I go over to the Raymond's and chill with the other SMs, but most of my evenings I spend getting ready for bed and relaxing.
I spend the vast majority of my time in the little library office I share with Macy. While I tend to be stuck there a lot, actually, working at the library all day has definite perks! Tanzi and Jacqui both stop by in the mornings to chill and get some work done, and I'm pretty close to everything I need to prep for classes, since the library is in the Ad building. Also, a major perk of working in the library is that I have 100% access to some pretty good selection of books and magazines! I've collected a nice pile of books to read on my desk, and I've been working my way through them during supervision. To date, I've finished
Apollo 13, and
Out of the Silent Planet by C. S. Lewis, both of which turned out to be great books!
The view from my fishbowl office |