Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Adventure time!

Well, my parents are officially safe and sound back in the States, and I'm leaving tonight on a train bound for Mombasa... We only have a vague idea of what we are doing once we arrive in Mombasa, so I'm preparing myself for some pretty "local" experiences in the next 24-48 hours. Once we've had our little adventures, we will be meeting some of the staff south of Mombasa at Caprichos for some less adventurous beach time, followed up by a staff retreat at an all-inclusive resort. If I can survive the two days of traveling, there will be a pretty incredible week waiting for me on the other side.

Since I won't be able to post for quite awhile, here's some completely unrelated animal pictures from my family's trip to the Masai Mara to tide you over until I return. So long for now!

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