Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Beginnings

Here’s to adventures. Here’s to new beginnings. Here’s to trying new things.

The location: Here’s the thing, I’m currently planning on being in Nairobi Kenya next year. Actually, WAY sooner than that… Like on August 13. (That’s less than 5 months away for those who are numerically challenged like myself). So I’m planning on going to Kenya, but at this point, I don’t really know what God might do in these next short months, but I do know that it’s all in His hands.

For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a Student Missionary. Ever since my two months in Italy at age 7, I've known that there's something special about living in a place, instead of just passing through. I want this to be a time of discovery, I want to be able to have a better idea if I really do want to teach at some point in my career, and I want to grow closer to Christ.
The title: The name of this blog comes from one of my mom’s favorite British television shows, As Time Goes By. The show is about Jean and Lynol, two lovers reunited after years apart. Lynol wrote a particularly dull book about his experiences on a plantation in Kenya and named the book, logically, My Life in Kenya. Evan and I both agreed that it was a very appropriate name. 

The current plan: I am hoping to go to Maxwell Adventist Academy and work as a science lab assistant and tutor. This is my first attempt at a blog, so patience please! 
I'm so excited about where God is leading and starting a brand new adventure!


  1. Emily I love this! I'm so excited for you because I know God has some amazing things planned just for you! I can't wait to read your posts! Ps- for a first post you are doing amazing. :)

  2. Can I come visit you in Kenya?!?!?

    1. Yes!!!! You should come for spring break and we can have wild adventures in Africa together! :)
